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 artist & designer

A note from the artist:

"I designed this journal to be a coffee table book. Yes, a journal as a coffee table book, an overall conversation piece. This journal is meant to be shared with your friends and community, to inspire discussion, introspection and support.  I believe that being open and transparent about one's habits with others, and sharing one's journey is really the only way to create and inspire change.

“This is me, this is my journal, this is my journey,” is a huge message I want to share with others as our lives should forever be evolving, hopefully with the help of  12 Months to Happier Habits as a guide."

Victoria Nicole Varela is a studio artist, graphic designer and certified sommelier with a true passion for all things creative. She graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a BA in Studio Arts and Graphic Design in 2011.  As a child she attended Vista Academy for Visual and Performing Arts in San Diego, California. After many years of study in the "art of wine" she became a Certified Sommelier in 2018 winning the Walter Clore Scholarship for top marks.  Although these two pursuits seemingly differ, "their roots in art are undeniable." 

She currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. 

"The desert has always fascinated me. I feel at home, inspired and secure in it's wild, subtle beauty."  

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